Monday, December 6, 2021

The benefits of using pheromone colognes & perfumes

There are so many products out there that it’s tough to decide what to invest your hard earned money on.

And to make things even more frustrating, there are also a lot of fake “reviews” on the internet, that make unbelievable claims to get you to buy their products. Even some of the "mainstream" have noticed it - one author from Jalopnik called out Athena Institute's Dr. Cutler as I found recently. 

Some vendors simply feed off desperation and gullibility in order to make more money – which is why “pheromones” have gotten a reputation as hogwash, snake-oil, and complete BS. Respectable journals and academia have a hard time accepting these claims.

Fortunately, there are a handful of legitimate products that work as advertised.

In fact,some of them work so well, I often write reviews upwards of 2000 words on them. I have the most comprehensive reviews on the internet regarding pheromones for men.

And even then, it can still be hard to decide from all the quality products which will suit you best.

That’s why we’ve decided to create a “best pheromones for men” page to help you decide.

But before we get started, there is some very important information that you need to know before you
invest in your pheromone arsenal.

There are 3 MAIN categories for pheromone products for men: Social, Alpha, and Attraction

There are a LOT of options out there for choosing products, especially ones that deal with seduction.

However, that’s just one category of pheromones for men (and the most popular for obvious reasons).

… but pheromones aren’t JUST for attracting women anymore.

In fact, their uses have expanded far beyond their original purpose – and now there are specialist products that can help tremendously in different areas of your life.

If you already know how awesome pheromones are, simply click on the links below and you’ll be transported to the right section:

Here are just a few benefits of using pheromones:

  • Get significant, permanent, and life changing “upgrades” to your life skills… the worst thing that can happen in life is not getting what you want out of it. Getting used to not having your dream girl, not achieving financial or professional goals, not living a happy, passionate, or fulfilled life. 
  • Pheromones can subtly change the way people see you, and how you see the world – they will open your eyes to new possibilities which will make you a more well rounded, charismatic person, and motivate you to achieve more in life.
  • Create intense personal “magnetism” that attracts high quality friends, romance, and success… pheromones will create a substantial difference to your life, including how people perceive you.
  • Have you ever been instantly “magnetized” by someone? Someone you find so interesting, you can’t help but wonder what makes them so special? Personal magnetism is something that comes from the inside, and can open doors in life that would othe wise always be closed to you. Beauty may attract a person, but personal magnetism will make people do anything for you.
  • Create rapport, and deeper, almost “hypnotic” conversations… there are specialized social products that will make you the “center of attention” in social situations, and make you stand out from the crowd.
  • Dramatically improve your social skills and flirting ability… pheromones can change how people see you and react to you, and you will find women becoming more open to joking and flirting back with you.
  • Make you appear physically more attractive, and create a “spotlight” effect… while this may sound hard to believe, there are studies that show some molecules change women’s perception of men’s attractiveness. One is called androstadienone. There are others that have recently been in the spotlight, called androstatrione and androstenetrione, believe, there are studies that show some molecules change women’s perception of men’s attractiveness. One is called androstadienone. There are others that have recently been in the spotlight, called androstatrione and androstenetrione, which create a sort of “airbrush” effect on nearby people.
  • Boosting your status socially or professionally… people will see you in a new, “high status” light, and show you more respect, trust you more, and feel “awe” in your presence. Create opportunities with women who would normally be “out of your league”… I believe women are “out of your league” only if you believe it yourself. Some products are designed to grab the attention of women who would normally not be interested in you, which gives you (combined with powerful pheromones), a chance to reel them in.
  • Get women to see you in a new light, and even escape “friendzone”… some pheromones for men create a new and unique “aura”, and can “reset” feelings about you. They are designed to spark romantic attraction for the wearer – even if you were placed in the “friends” box previously, or had some bad fallout situation in the past.
  • Create an attachment, “clinginess”, or crushy feelings from women… some pheromones for men aren’t just designed for seduction. While that is a popular reason for looking into them in the first place, we often find women we are romantically interested in too – there are products designed to create intense romance, and open the door to long term relationship

But remember, pheromones can only do so much... you also need to develop true "game" to succeed in the game of love. 

And one of the easiest ways to do it is by learning from one of the OG players of the old days... Player Supreme. Here is just one of this podcasts:

The entire collection is available for sale at House Of Pheromones. 

- Michael Masters

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Truth About Pheromone Colognes & Perfumes

Pheromone products have long been advertised by sketchy companies as a way to make yourself "irresistible" to men or women... but is there any truth to these claims?

Since the early 90's, marketers and companies have come forward with claims that their colognes and perfumes have a special ingredient: pheromones.

They claim that these types of products are able to make men or women more attractive to the opposite sex.

What are pheromones? 

Pheromones are odorous smells that are excreted to the skin and hair, and are known to affect the behavior of other animals from the same species. They were discovered in the early 50's, when scientists were making up a term to describe how insects were "communicating" with eachother through smell. Pheromones are also known as ectohormones, as they operate outside the body. 

They have been proven to exist in many mammalian and insect species as a way for them to attract mates, leave food scent trails, guide swarms, and other instinctual survival and reproductive processes.

However, when it comes specifically to human pheromones, scientists tend to disagree about whether they exist or not. In most animals, the organ used to process and act on these chemical signals is called the "Vomeronasal Organ" (VNO).

The main source of skepticism is because when it is observed in normal human anatomy, it appears to be atrophied, or non-functional. Most scientists believe it is an archaic, non-functional organ with minimal use to the modern human. It should be noted however that pheromones are a relatively new area of study, and is always advancing.

As for pheromone colognes and perfumes on the market, there have been studies done on specific pheromones such androstadienone, androstenone, androsterone, and androstenol. 

They all appear to have certain physiological reactions, such as increasing cortisol levels, skin temperature, and the release of certain neurotransmitters in the brain.

There was also a study done on how body odors changed depending on emotional states. Groups of people were placed in situations that provoked anxiety or other stressful feelings, e.g., watching fear-inducing film clips resulted in a change of their body odor. 

These body odors were different from those collected when the same individuals were exposed to comedic or "happier" content.

The studies are valid - however, often there are marketers and certain types of companies that will try to overstate the capability of what pheromones can do. Companies like Pherazone, for example. They will make unrealistic claims and twist the science to fit their agenda, which is another reason many people remain skeptical of the products. Pheromones are a natural part of being human, and perhaps pheromone colognes and perfumes are just a way to make fast money.

The benefits of using pheromone colognes & perfumes

There are so many products out there that it’s tough to decide what to invest your hard earned money on. And to make things even more frustr...